Cliff Railway: ‘Frozen’ in Time!

The Victorian engineering of Lynton & Lynmouth Cliff Railway has often been described as being ‘frozen in time’. But this became a reality this week when the famous water powered railway literally froze. The Lynton and Lynmouth Cliff railway, which was built in 1888 is the only completely water powered railway in the UK and one of only three examples left in the world. The funicular cliff railway relies on a simple balancing principle and gravity.  The two cars are permanently attached to each other by two hauling cables that run around a huge pulley wheel at the top and […]

Cliff Railway Welcomes New Driver

This week the Lynton and Lynmouth Cliff Railway appointed Jacob Salmon, 18, from Lynton as it’s newest driver. Jacob attended Lynton School and then Ilfracombe Comprehensive before joining the company in September 2015. Jacob had previously worked within the Railway’s Cliff Top Cafe as a seasonal cafe assistance during his summer holidays. Jacob’s ability was recognised early and he started to develop the required skills to become a full qualified Cliff Railway Driver. Each driver is required to demonstrate competence within the mechanics and the daily operating procedures of the railway as well as maintenance, VHF radio use and of […]

The Cliff Railway showing its true colours!

April 6th 2018 is the 130th anniversary of the opening of the Lynton & Lynmouth Cliff Railway. To mark the occasion, cliff railway engineers and staff have worked tirelessly this week re-painting the carriages in the original heritage ‘Oxford Blue’ as a special one-off Birthday celebration. In 1888, historical records confirm that the cliff railway was originally Oxford Blue and not the traditional Buckingham Green that we have become used to seeing. Whilst the cliff railway was extensively photographed in its early years, black and white film could never document the original colour. Chief Engineer, Ashley Clarke, stated that ‘It’s […]

Landslip Closes Railway – Company Statement

Company Statement Dated: April 2nd 2018 The Lynton & Lynmouth Cliff Railway has unfortunately been closed due to a small landslip of earth and rock debris onto the tracks of the railway. This occurred outside of the operating hours of the railway and there has been no injuries to passengers, visitors or staff. No damage to the carriages of the Cliff Railway has occurred. The landslip is thought to have been a result of the combined recent very wet conditions and freezing easterly wind conditions which has created an unstable section of banking near the middle bridge section of the […]